The measurements were off from the originally listed ones on the taobao page 😦 Scotland Yard Lolita original retro love red plaid flying sleeve jsk dress – This one didn’t fit me and was pretty short so I sold it.BTSSB Lucky Pack Shirring Princess – I just didn’t really wear this one so I sold it to my friend who was looking for a simple old school dress to wear to work.Marine Kingdom Tiered JSK – I really didn’t want to sell it because dream dress but also my finances were really bad at the time partially because I had covid and missed two weeks of work and I knew this dress would net me enough extra cash to pay my bills.She now lovingly wears it pretty often and I’m glad someone is enjoying it. I sold it to a comm member who had it as a dream dress and it was perfectly her size. It didn’t fit right (too big) and I had been scammed out of 300$ along the way to finally getting the JSK.

We did go to the Japan Pavilion to mock the very sad decololita display. We both wore lolita which was really fun and sort of just wandered around. I went to Epcot with my friend, Heather, for my birthday. Rings: Chocoholic and Cats Tea Party (taobao).I got to meet my one internet friend, Heather, in person after being friends for three years. It was a fun meet up even if we got rained on. I wore this old school country coord to my first meet up with my new comm which was at a different botanical garden. Wristcuffs: Baby the Stars Shine Bright.Since I now live in a warm climate, I’ve been doing more blouseless coords with boleros. It fit comfortably and looked good for the quick alteration job just using the waist ties to expand the back shirring panels. I had recently altered this jsk so it was the first time out. I wore this coordinate out to the botanical gardens I went to with my mother and sister. With the holidays and moving, I only wore three coords in January.