Pebblepaw questions where Harveymoon is, and Leafstar replies that he is with his Twolegs now, as most of the daylight warriors' Twolegs have been keeping them inside their dens since the strange animals moved in. Hawkwing worries that it must have been their scent that he and Ebonyclaw smelled on the day of the fire, but Leafstar reassures him that it didn't make a difference, as they couldn't have prevented the attack. History In the Super Editions Hawkwing's Journey When the patrol from the quest to find ThunderClan returns to Sk圜lan unsuccessfully, they learn from Leafstar that the camp was attacked by a group of strange animals, resulted in numerous wounded and Honeytail's death. This is a list of cats, ordered chronologically, who were killed by raccoons. Leafstar and Sharpclaw extend Sk圜lan's borders and order larger patrols in hopes of deterring the raccoons away, though every cat is on edge.

The raccoons attack Sk圜lan twice, and arrive in greater numbers the second time. Twolegs keep their kittypets shut in to keep them safe from the raccoons when they were loose. When raccoons escape from their Twoleg captives, they live in the wild nearby Sk圜lan territory. Sk圜lan is unaware of what raccoons are until Darktail informs them, passing along the information he learned from local kittypets. They do not fight as viciously though, and are susceptible to flee sooner. They are usually in groups but when caught alone, they will still attack cats. They are capable of killing cats, such as Honeytail and Leafstar, and fight with their claws and teeth. Darktail lures the raccoons to Sk圜lan's territory using Twoleg rubbish and prey, resulting in the raccoons moving to Sk圜lan's territory and attacking their camp, presenting a huge danger for the cats. The raccoons may have been driven off for the time being, but if they think we are weak, or that there aren't many of us, they'll try to attack again for sure." ―Sharpclaw after the raccoon attack Hawkwing's Journey, page 141 Typically, raccoons live near Twolegplaces where they eat Twoleg rubbish, though Ebonyclaw detected the familiar yet strange scent on Sk圜lan's territory. To begin with, patrols will be large from now on. They also make a growling noise when threatened. At times, Twolegs keep them as pets but they occasionally escape, such as the ones that terrorized Sk圜lan. Raccoons live near Twolegplaces and typically feast upon Twoleg rubbish and prey. They also have sharp teeth and claws, capable of delivering numerous wounds to their enemies.

They can also walk on four legs but can stand on their hind legs. Their claws are long and flexible, similar to Twoleg forepaws, and can grip with both forepaws and backpaws. He had no doubt about how dangerous it was.» -Hawkwing about the raccoon Hawkwing's Journey, page 204 Raccoons are thick-furred, black, white and gray creatures with black rings around their eyes and white around their short, pointed muzzles that resemble a fox's. Its claws were long and flexible, reminding Hawkwing of a Twoleg's forepaws. It was black, white, and gray, with black rings around its eyes. « Hawkwing froze, amazed at his first sight of one of the vicious creatures that had attacked his Clanmates while he was away.